We are happy to share some exciting news from our partner Move Better Run Better… 

Their FREE 5-Day Marathon Peak Performance Challenge is back, and it's starting on Monday!

This is for marathon runners who want to breakthrough plateaus and smash PB's, by having full confidence in the training that they are doing. 

And this time they are going to be covering important new areas to the challenge that have NEVER been talked about in any challenge before, but are more relevant now than ever!

So, if you’re running a marathon this year or, in 2023, and want to take your running and confidence to a whole new level, don’t miss this!

The challenge starts on Monday 5th September and MBRB are inviting all Run Company customers to take part. 

So, if you want to learn the secrets that have helped hundreds of runners obliterated their PB’s, then this is your chance. 

Join the hundreds ready to get started with the 5-Day Challenge by clicking on the link below .


And remember, its FREE

See you Monday!