MBRB | Giving Myself Space


Space to think, space to reflect, space to feel, space to live in the moment. 

(like watching an incredible sunset whilst on holiday recently!)

A few years ago, I found it hard to sit still, say no and put myself first.

I had a never ending to do list- life was busy all the time, but not with the things I wanted to be doing.

John and I have been together now for nearly 10 years. We love doing things together, but we also love having our own hobbies and time to ourselves.

We both believe this is important because if we have a great relationship with ourselves then we will have an even healthier and stronger relationship together.

We’ve always supported and encouraged each other to live our own lives and do what makes us happy.

I became aware of how little I was putting myself first when I started feeling resentment, unfulfilled and when things I’d usually enjoy began to feel like chores.

So, I decided to take control on how I spent my time. I put boundaries in place for myself and since making these changes I’ve felt so much happier.

Life is nothing like it was a few years ago.

Every day I prioritise some ‘me time’ and do something that makes me happy, like...

Walking Lucy and Pip, lighting candles in the evening, reading a good book, going to the gym, doing my skincare routine before bed, or treating myself to the most amazing local handmade chocolates because... I feel like it!

You see, it doesn’t always have to be big things- it’s the small things that can make a massive difference.

Life can get overwhelming sometimes- there’s a lot going on in the world, which makes it even more crucial to put yourself first, put boundaries in place, and to look after your physical and mental health.

It’s not selfish to do this, because you can’t pour from an empty cup, so make sure you fill it first! 

Sometimes we all need a little reminder.